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2021 December Volunteer Concert

It's holiday season, and Music4Heart is excited to share the spirit of the winter holidays in our upcoming December concert! We hope this month, our music not only shines hope and light through the pandemic but also brings back a taste of pre-pandemic festivities.

Date : Dec 22nd @ 3:30 PM

Where : Creekview Senior Assisted Living

Address : 2900 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588 (Map)


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Written by Erin Yang

As the initial struggle for PPE has subsided, we have slowed EBPPE’s Covid-relief programs as well. With the extra money from our benefit concerts, I decided that it could be put to really good use at my school’s science department. Labs and hands-on activities are always the most exciting part of class, but are unfortunately quite costly. I learned from my AP Bio teacher this year that a single lab kit can cost upwards of $1000! Having the fortune to experience lab work in a research program, I hope everyone who takes science classes in school can experience that same wonder and excitement experimenting with in-class labs.

Written by Ella Jeon

With the closure of EBPPE, we decided to wrap up with a few final acts. Such included a donation to the science department of Amador Valley High School, with $1000 and protection supplies that no longer had use to us, but would be greatly appreciated in the hands of others. After the donation, I was glad to know we were able to end EBPPE’s activities on such a great note, in spirit of helping others just as this community project was originally initiated for. It’s been one and a half years of a long and exciting journey with EBPPE, and the memories I’ve made with smiling faces from our community are unforgettable.

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We are so excited to be having our second live concert! Thank you so much to all our members and supporters! This concert will be shared with seniors and anyone else who might be in need of a little moment of joy during this pandemic.

2021 November Volunteer Concert

Date : November 11th, 2:30 PM (Thursday)

Where : Creekview Senior Assisted Living

Address : 2900 Stoneridge Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588 (Map)

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