Written by Erin Yang
As the initial struggle for PPE has subsided, we have slowed EBPPE’s Covid-relief programs as well. With the extra money from our benefit concerts, I decided that it could be put to really good use at my school’s science department. Labs and hands-on activities are always the most exciting part of class, but are unfortunately quite costly. I learned from my AP Bio teacher this year that a single lab kit can cost upwards of $1000! Having the fortune to experience lab work in a research program, I hope everyone who takes science classes in school can experience that same wonder and excitement experimenting with in-class labs.

Written by Ella Jeon
With the closure of EBPPE, we decided to wrap up with a few final acts. Such included a donation to the science department of Amador Valley High School, with $1000 and protection supplies that no longer had use to us, but would be greatly appreciated in the hands of others. After the donation, I was glad to know we were able to end EBPPE’s activities on such a great note, in spirit of helping others just as this community project was originally initiated for. It’s been one and a half years of a long and exciting journey with EBPPE, and the memories I’ve made with smiling faces from our community are unforgettable.