2019-2020 Project 1 : Go Fund Music4Heart Fundraising Project
“Music for Heart” was established by Chloe Jeon, Andrew Choi, and Ella Jeon in the fall of 2019. “Music for Heart (Music4heart.org) ” has inspired many people in need through music.
We would like to ask you to support our upcoming events which will take place every month. In particular, we are planning to go to one of the children hospitals (either Stanford Lucile Packard Children Hospital or Oakland children Hospital). We would like to prepare organic teddy bears for children at the hospital as gifts.
We would greatly appreciate any donations you can provide to help fund this special gift.
Chloe Jeon, Andrew Choi & Ella Jeon
(Founder of Music4Heart.Org)
P.S Music4Heart doesn’t have 501(c) Non-profit Tax number yet. We are planning to apply for it soon.
2020-2021 Project 2 : HelpDonatePPE in the East Bay (EBPPE Project)
The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has thrown the world into a global crisis. This pandemic is affecting every aspect of life for all communities, regardless of where we live. During this unprecedented crisis, we need to look beyond our fears and reach out to those who are in greater need than us. We are fortunate enough to be healthy and safe in our homes, and what better way to use our extra time and energy than to help essential front line workers who put their lives on the line to combat COVID-19.?
Music4Heart.org is a volunteer organization that performs music for seniors and children with special needs, and now, we are turning our attention to COVID-19. We are planning to have virtual concerts to share the healing powers of music during this difficult time.
We are also organizing a campaign to help donate masks and other PPE to East Bay hospitals and other facilities with at-risk populations, and we would greatly appreciate your help. We have already bought some masks (KF94, Korean FDA-approved), but with our limited budget, we can only buy so many.
Thank you for your generosity! Your monetary and PPE donations will help us fight the spread of COVID-19 in the highest risk groups in our community.