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Music4heart August & September Newsletter

Updated: May 10, 2022

EBPPE Aug/Sept Newsletter

Chloe Jeon

In August, we donated 300 masks to Creating New Hope to help with their PPE distribution at the Dublin Farmer's Market. Giving out much-needed PPE to seniors was another great experience. We helped out our school district's staff members, too.

In September, we donated our PPE to Fremont Senior Center and the Fremont Fire Department. Donating to the Fire Department felt particularly meaningful this time, especially with so many wildfires this year, in addition to the pandemic. We were all struggling to cope with poor air quality, and for some, even lost homes, and these firefighters were working so hard and taking so many risks to help keep us safe.

It was exciting being able to talk with the fire chief himself, discussing our organization and the work that the firefighters do. I am so glad we were able to make their jobs a little bit easier and more cheerful with our cotton masks, and I am excited for the next opportunity to give out more PPE.

Andrew Choi

During August and September, we focused on donating masks and PPE to the city centers in Fremont including their Human Services division, as well as the Fire Station. The Human Services told us they’d be distributing our donations to their senior center as well as with other human service facilities like the homeless. Furthermore, we visited the Fire Station office to make a donation as well, knowing that with the current fires in California, they would be busy fighting these fires. We were able to talk with the fire chief as we made our donation and learned of the extent that the fire station was occupied and committed to their cause. Overall, being able to make donations to larger centers like the city centers of Fremont was rewarding because I knew that these donations were going to help at a much larger scale.

Erin Yang

These past couple of months we donated primarily to Fremont facilities. Specifically, we donated to the Fremont Senior Center and Fire Station. At the senior center, we found out that our donations would not only be used by the senior center, but also homeless facilities and more. We spent a lot of time and care making the firefighter masks with the correlating patterns, and I think they really appreciated that. It was really fun getting to talk to the fire chief and it made me truly realize how dedicated these front-line fighters are. I can only hope to become as honorable a member of society as them.

Ella Jeon

Throughout the months of August and September, we continued donating PPE to different organizations. To me personally, the highlight of these past two months would be our donation to the Fire Station. At the time when we made our delivery, the fires were at its worst, with thick smoke constantly filling the air around the area. Since the fires were especially bad at this time, I feel like donating to the fire station was especially important, as the fire fighters were working hard during this pandemic to prevent, control, and reduce the damage of all the spreading fires. It was a tough time, considering all these fires were piling up on top of all the trouble caused by COVID-19. During our delivery, we were able to meet and talk with the fire chief, who was very pleasant to talk with, being both humorous and outgoing. We were able to talk a bit about our organization and the PPE we produce. Again, I felt especially excited and happy about this delivery, considering the circumstances and knowing we were able to help through the organization and our donations.

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